All About the Use of Pacifiers
Pacifiers are one of the most underestimated baby accessories because parents do not see their significance. Because of this, they have a tendency to use the product too much, or even not use it all, which can cause terrible results. If you don’t want your baby to suffer these results, then you have to understand the various benefits of the use of pacifiers. Here are some of them.
The most distinctive thing that pacifiers can offer to parents that no other baby accessory can is time. As pacifiers have the ability to calm babies down, it averts tantrums which will offer the parents the opportunity to work on other matters. Even though it might look like it is a good thing, it also has its disadvantages.
One of the most risky disadvantages is that it makes parents reliant on using pacifiers. As it is typical for most babies to throw tantrums frequently, parents will not notice that they are already excessively using pacifiers. This is actually what frightens other parents from utilizing pacifiers.
Due to this, you have to do a simple thing. This is none other than monitoring how often you utilize pacifiers. No other way is more effective than remembering, or even writing down the number of hours that your baby is using his or her pacifier. Once you already take note of the time he or she uses it, you then need to compare it to the appropriate number of hours per day that babies are recommended to use such baby accessories.
If you have discovered that you have indeed been using it for too many times, then you have to go to a pediatrician immediately to have your baby checked for mouth deformities. You can also opt for a general checkup for your baby just to be sure that nothing else is wrong.