ADHD in Toddlers Is Not a Death Sentence to Parents
Parents of an ADHD sufferer throwing tantrums throughout the day without showing signs of exhaustion know how difficult it is to deal with ADHD. These parents are exhausted from taking care of their ADHD toddler, and often they blame themselves for their toddler’s condition adding to their suffering. The toddler’s behavior itself and the people’s comment toward the toddler can hurt a parent emotionally. Thus, it’s not only important to develop treatments for ADHD in toddlers, it’s also important to develop support for the parents of these toddlers too.
Foremost to these supports is the proper diagnosis of toddlers showing signs of hyperactivity typical in ADHD. It’s natural for toddlers to be unruly so that some ADHD in toddlers are often dismissed as natural toddler behavior. This situation does not help parents at all; in fact, it can only add up to their frustration of trying to understand their toddler. Lesson to parents: do not hesitate to consult an informed doctor if you see signs of ADHD in your toddler.
If you determined that your toddler has ADHD, get as much help as you can from family, friends, and especially from support groups that knows ADHD in toddlers very well. Set aside your prejudice about support groups because in your situation they are the best to provide you with answers regarding your toddler’s behavior. You can also ask a government social worker to visit you personally to provide tips in raising a toddler with ADHD. Ask the social worker or your support group for some good self-help books or ADHD manual for parents that can help you understand and cope with your toddler’s behavior.
ADHD toddlers do not want unexpected changes in their usual routine so that it’s best to plan your ADHD toddler’s daily routine to help them control their tantrums. Make your toddler’s daily routine as familiar to him or her as possible by doing exact activity at the exact time. And it’s very important for parents with ADHD toddler to treat themselves to something nice every now and then like a trip to the spa or a nice short vacation. ADHD in toddlers can be physically and emotionally draining so that grab an opportunity to regain your strength back because you can give more to your toddler if you give more to yourself also.